Loading Zone

Loading Zone is a boad game about efficiency for 2-4 players. Load your warehouse with shapes. Rearrange, trade, and design your own replacement rules. Then pack the shapes into your ship. It is presently in playtesting. I hope to Kickstart it in early 2016.

I like to describe it as a cross between Tetris and gzip, which terrifies some and delights others.

If you're in NYC and want to try it out, email info@loadingzonegame.com. If you like board games, you'll probably like it!

You can also sign up for the announce-only mailing list. I'll send out an announcement when the Kickstarter starts up, a few notes during the campaign, and a note about general availability if the campaign is successful. And of course I won't give your email address to anyone else or otherwise spam you. You can unsubscribe at any time.
